Ruislip Cricket Club - Colts Code of Conduct

  Ruislip Cricket Club Code of Conduct / Rules for Young People

Ruislip Cricket Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members. 

Ruislip Cricket Club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents, carers or guardians associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. 

Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with John Hooley, Welfare Officer.

This Code of Conduct has been compiled following guidelines supplied by the ECB and in consultation with Junior Members of Ruislip Cricket Club. 
Sanctions available to Coaches and Coaching Assistants for breaching this Code of Conduct can include - Time Out, Missing Training Sessions and Missing Matches.

As a member of Ruislip Cricket Club you are expected to abide by the following junior code of conduct:

All members must play within the rules and respect officials and their decisions.
All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach or team manager if they are going to be late.
Members must wear suitable kit; helmets, pads and box when using a hard ball in the nets for training and full cricket whites for match sessions, as agreed with the coach/team manager.
Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly.
Junior members are not allowed to smoke on club premises or whilst representing the club at competitions.
Junior members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on the club premises or whilst representing the club.
To treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
Not to use foul language on or off the field of play
To be respectful and encourage all teammates regardless of their ability.
To remain focused, listen to the coaches and work hard during training sessions.
To look after equipment belonging to the club and not to behave in a manner that could cause injury or upset to others.

Playing Cricket should be fun for everyone.
Remember to be proud of your club. You are its representative on the field.

March 2015