Ruislip Cricket Club News story

AGM - 14th November

10 Oct 2014

Dear All

Thank you to everyone who helped out at the club last weekend.  Unfortunately, there was a poor turnout from the adult cricketers, however those that did turn up succeeded in taking the nets down, fencing off the square, moving the sightscreens and preparing the club for winter!

The purpose of this email is to give you notice about this year's Annual General Meeting.

Date: Friday 14th November
Time: 7pm till late
Location: Ruislip Cricket Club, Kings College Road

This is an important date in the calendar and a chance for all members to have their say on the running of the club.  We will be reviewing the club's finances, analysing the 2013/14 season and electing officers for 2014/15. 

Please make every effort to attend and confirm your attendance in advance by reply.

If you have any queries please let me know using the contact details below.

Kind regards

Neil Smith
RCC Secretary